Walk-In Appointments

Walk-In Appointments Q & A

What is a walk-in appointment?

The walk-in policy at Pediatric Associates, Inc., allows your child to be seen by a board-certified pediatrician without the need for an appointment. Whether you had difficulty scheduling an appointment with your regular pediatrician or your child experiences an unexpected medical concern, the team is prepared to provide them with the care they need.

Pediatric Associates, Inc. has been in practice for over 50 years and specializes in conservative and compassionate patient care. The team offers a wide range of safe and effective diagnostics and treatments for children of all ages.

What types of issues can be seen during a walk-in appointment?

A walk-in appointment is just like a regular visit and can be used to address a number of your child's medical needs. If you have questions about your child's health, the team can provide you with the right information.

Pediatric Associates, Inc. offers a wide range of services, including yearly checkups, immunizations, nutrition counseling, sports physicals, and newborn care. The team also offers treatment for several common acute and chronic conditions, including:

  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Infections
  • Fever
  • The cold or flu

The team also provides screenings and care for children with mental health conditions like ADHD or autism. If you have concerns about your child's health, you shouldn't hesitate to seek medical care. Walk-in appointments give you on-demand access to the medical care you need to manage your child's health effectively.

What should I expect during my child's walk-in appointment?

In most cases, your child's walk-in appointment begins with a physical exam. If you're there for a routine exam or sports physical, your doctor checks your child's height, weight, and vitals and discusses their medical history and overall health.

If your child has symptoms of an underlying condition, your doctor performs the necessary tests to provide the most accurate diagnosis. In addition to physical exams, Pediatric Associates, Inc. also offers advanced imaging and lab tests at the nearby diagnostic centers.

After your child's examination, your doctor determines the right treatment to restore your child's health. To learn more about walk-in appointments, call the office today. Alternatively, you can request nonemergency appointments online.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Pediatric Associates, Inc.


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-12:00 pm


By Appointment Only.